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Don’t Let Fear Limit Your Dreams

Don’t Let Fear Limit Your Dreams

This past Labor Day weekend I attended GirlTrek’s annual #StressProtest in Estes Park, CO. GirlTrek is a national health movement that motivates thousands of Black women to be change makers in their lives and communities through walking ( Since joining Girltrek in 2017 I have been inspired to not only participate in area walks but to also organize walks as well. We encourage women to walk at least 30 minutes per day which can be done as a group or as a solo trekker. The Stress Protest is a way to unplug getaway and fellowship with other like-minded sisters and also challenge yourself to get outside of your comfort zone and learn and do something different. I was initially apprehensive and remained on the fence for a while because I have a fear of snakes. It wasn’t until I spoke with one of my colleagues about possibly going and I revealed to her my fear of snakes. She immediately said that the ground would likely be too cold for snakes so I “probably” wouldn’t see any.

Probably?! Not sure that was good enough, I thought. But when she went on to explain how beautiful the mountains are that time of the year and the deer, elk and moose that live there were a sight to see, I decided to give it a try.

For those who know me, they know that one of my mortal fears is the fear of snakes. The entire time I was preparing for this trip, in the forefront of my mind was;

“What if I see a snake? How to react? Will I fall off the mountain if I go hiking and see a snake? Should I go hiking?”

When I think of my bucket list, hiking in the mountains was NEVER included as something I ever wanted to do because of my fear of snakes. I’m more of a beach baby, therefore my bucket list generally includes things like visit the beaches of Hawaii, Figi, Turks and Caicos, Jamaica, etc. but never to hike in the wilderness where snakes live. (ugh…)

Once my trip was book we received a schedule of offerings which we were free to do as much or as little as we wanted to. There was Trap Yoga, meditation, prayer, double dutch, self-defense, African dance classes and so much more to choose from but most of all there were multiple opportunities with various levels of difficulty to hike in the Rocky Mountains. This turned out to be one of the most amazing weekends of self-care and conquering of fears. Initially I said to myself that you can’t go all the way to Colorado and not see the beauty of nature. So I initially planned to just do a beginner walk which was a flat walk around a lake.

What did I have to prove?

I said to myself, I’m here in the mountains with an elevation of 8010 feet already at our lodge so why should I do anything more? I had been praying for guidance and strength to conquer my fears and quite frankly I was scared to death to even do the beginner walk.

After much thought and prayer I decided to raise the bar a bit and tackle the intermediate hike which was described as “3.5 miles round trip with steady incline and striking views of three glacial lakes.” WOW! Who could resist a hike such as this? The steady incline was a bit scary but I have been preparing for this all year and I was confident that I could do it. The day of my hike was chaotic, the group that took the intermediate hike the day before were really challenged and some couldn’t complete it. This caused my hike leader to challenge if I would be able to make it on this particular hike. At first I was upset that she picked me to confront and due to the negative vibe I felt, I chose not to go with the group. I was actually crying because of all the emotions and anxiety I had about doing the hike but yet was willing to press on and conquer. While I was standing there filled with anger and regret for letting someone get to me like that, another hike leader asked me if I wanted to do an intermediate hike later that day to Bible Point. She explained that there were no lakes up there but striking views and bible scriptures along the route and at the top there was a mailbox where you could write your prayer requests. Look at how God works. I immediately said yes and although still scared I might see a snake, I was looking forward to this hike.


As we began our walk for what seemed like forever but was only the first half hour, I was out of breath and when I asked our hike leader how much farther she said we hadn’t started to climb yet and this was only the beginning. I felt bad that I was having such difficulty breathing at that altitude and decided to quit. I knew the way back and I didn’t want to hinder the others in my group from making it to the top. The amazing ladies in my group all told me NO, do not quit, they had my back. The encouraged me and lifted me up that I could not quit no matter how hard it was. They said we would take frequent breaks to drink our water and eat our snacks and no matter what we would do this together. We climbed up almost another 1000 feet to an elevation near 9000 feet. There were some steep drop offs and very rocky paths we had to travel. The views were amazing and best of all no snakes. It turns out the snakes can’t take the elevation so there are none up that high. Thank you Jesus, I said and I know He knew I would have fallen off that mountain if I saw a baby snake. LOL!

My biggest take a ways were:

  1. Don’t let your fears keep you from experiencing this beautiful earth God created.
  2. Don’t quit even when it’s difficult as I’m stronger than I think.

And in the end “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

I hope this inspires someone to not only challenge yourself physically but mentally as well. I will definitely return to the Rocky Mountains again and again and hopefully my family will join me as well.

About Rochelle

Rochelle Redding, M.S. is a wife, mother of four, and the owner and operator of Rochelle Redding Coaching and Consulting Services (RRCCS). RRCCS is a spiritually-based coaching service dedicated to helping women be their best selves and achieve wellness in all aspects of their life. Learn about life coaching services with Rochelle by clicking here.

Read My Book

Finding Power and Purpose takes the reader on a dynamic journey from darkness, depression, and life-threatening health, to one of healing, self-love and alignment with God’s will.

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Self-care is Essential

Self-care is Essential

I’ve been traveling quite a bit over the past couple of weeks for work and have slacked a bit in my blogging. I know I have promised to post some of my favorite Daniel Fast recipes and I most definitely will continue to do that. But Lent is much more than fasting and sacrifice it’s more importantly about prayer and spending time with God. For me that time is between 4:30-5 am when my house is silent and everyone else is fast asleep, this is my prayer and meditation time. Sometimes, I multi-task and while working out at the gym I am praying and talking to God. Praying while driving in the car to work is also a favorite of mine but oftentimes I can go from point A to point B and not know how I got there.

My Life Coach recently asked “what does your self-care look like”, well for me the following are must haves:

  1. Quiet time in the morning, at least 30 minutes
  2. Massage at least once a month
  3. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week or more if possible
  4. I do not listen to music that promotes violence, disrespects women or tears people down “Garbage in; Garbage out”
  5. I eat a healthy breakfast (this is new for me, only in the past year have a finally got this one under control)
  6. No Toxic people in my life (period)
  7. Bedtime by 9:00pm weeknights and 10pm on weekends

My nice to haves that I am striving for:

  1. Move from walking to running more and outdoors in nature instead of in the gym
  2. Journaling
  3. Reading
  4. Crocheting

My self-care regime helps me to stay grounded and focused. I am able to handle whatever comes my way, but I have noticed that when I neglect these things I become off balanced and I’m not able to handle life’s challenges so well. As a mother and now grandmother, it is not easy to put yourself first but one thing I know for sure is I am no good to anyone else if I am not healthy and grounded.

My prayer during this Lenten season is that God will order my steps in the way He wants me to go and that I will walk fearless and free.

Recipe of the week

Chick Pea and Sundried Tomato Salad


1/4 cup olive oil

1 tablespoon cumin seeds

2 15 1/2-ounce cans garbanzo beans (chickpeas), rinsed, drained

1 cucumber, peeled, seeded, chopped (about 1 1/3 cups)

1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley

1/3 cup thinly sliced drained oil-packed sun-dried tomatoes

1/4 cup fresh lemon juice

1 garlic clove, minced

1/4 teaspoon dried crushed red pepper


  • Combine oil and cumin seeds in heavy small saucepan. Cook over medium heat 5 minutes to blend flavors, stirring occasionally. Cool completely.
  • Combine remaining ingredients in large bowl. Add cumin oil and toss to blend. Season salad to taste with salt and pepper. DO AHEAD Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Bring to room temperature before serving.
  • Combine oil and cumin seeds in heavy small saucepan. Cook over medium heat 5 minutes to blend flavors, stirring occasionally. Cool completely.
  • Combine remaining ingredients in large bowl. Add cumin oil and toss to blend. Season salad to taste with salt and pepper. DO AHEAD Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Bring to room temperature before serving.
  • Combine oil and cumin seeds in heavy small saucepan. Cook over medium heat 5 minutes to blend flavors, stirring occasionally. Cool completely.
  • Combine remaining ingredients in large bowl. Add cumin oil and toss to blend. Season salad to taste with salt and pepper. DO AHEAD Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Bring to room temperature before serving.

Combine oil and cumin seeds in heavy small saucepan. Cook over medium heat 5 minutes to blend flavors, stirring occasionally. Cool completely.

Combine remaining ingredients in large bowl. Add cumin oil and toss to blend. Season salad to taste with salt and pepper.

You can also add sautéed Kale or Spinach to make salad heartier.

DO AHEAD Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and refrigerate. Bring to room temperature before serving.

About Rochelle

Rochelle Redding, M.S. is a wife, mother of four, and the owner and operator of Rochelle Redding Coaching and Consulting Services (RRCCS). RRCCS is a spiritually-based coaching service dedicated to helping women be their best selves and achieve wellness in all aspects of their life. Learn about life coaching services with Rochelle by clicking here.

Read My Book

Finding Power and Purpose takes the reader on a dynamic journey from darkness, depression, and life-threatening health, to one of healing, self-love and alignment with God’s will.

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Daniel Fast Day 1 (Ash Wednesday)

Daniel Fast Day 1 (Ash Wednesday)

Today is Ash Wednesday and the first day of the Daniel Fast. The challenge for me today is that I am traveling for business and oftentimes at these conferences there are limited vegetarian options but that is where planning for success comes in to play. Instead of eating the conference breakfast items such as bagels, Danish, eggs, bacon, etc., I will opt to eat at the hotel restaurant and have steel oats and decaf coffee today. Yes, I said decaf folks and those of you who know me know that I start my day with “regular” coffee. I spent the last week detoxing from the caffeine by drinking “half caffeine” and ultimately decaf. If any of you are regular coffee drinkers you know that if you stop cold turkey you will have massive headaches from the withdrawal.  Lunch and Dinner will be much easier to navigate as they generally have tasty vegetarian options available at these mealtimes.

Other ways I plan for success is by changing my food shopping habits and not purchasing items that will lead to temptation such as potato chips, Doritos, etc. And most importantly I have my daily devotions and journal on hand to begin my time of prayer and fasting.

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing some of my favorite recipes I have used during the fast that are good and easy to make. The challenge for me is to ensure that I get in enough protein to meet my nutritional goals. As many of you know, I had weight loss surgery in 2016 and must get in 60-80 grams of protein daily. So with that in mind the first recipe I would like to share with you was shared with me by one of my colleagues about four years ago. Vegan Cream of Mushroom Soup is one of my favorites that I enjoy even when not on the fast. It is easy to make and has very few ingredients, cauliflower, almond milk, mushrooms, onions and seasonings. You can find it via this link

I generally double this recipe and add one scoop of Unflavored Unjury Protein Powder per serving (21grams per scoop) to this recipe.

I would love to hear from you all, please share what you plan to sacrifice during this Lenten Season and please pray for me as I will pray for you.

About Rochelle

Rochelle Redding, M.S. is a wife, mother of four, and the owner and operator of Rochelle Redding Coaching and Consulting Services (RRCCS). RRCCS is a spiritually-based coaching service dedicated to helping women be their best selves and achieve wellness in all aspects of their life. Learn about life coaching services with Rochelle by clicking here.

Read My Book

Finding Power and Purpose takes the reader on a dynamic journey from darkness, depression, and life-threatening health, to one of healing, self-love and alignment with God’s will.

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How many Slaves are Working for You?

How many Slaves are Working for You?

Many of us often think of Human Trafficking as sex trafficking but there are an overwhelming number of people trafficked for labor as well. This past weekend I attended our annual Human Trafficking Awareness Conference at church and we were asked “What does a trafficker look like?” The facilitator then asked us to take a selfie and see that we are all traffickers.

WOW!! I was appalled as I volunteer to help women being trafficked so how could I possibly be guilty of trafficking another person?

We were all directed to take a quiz on where we were asked questions about what you eat, clothes you wear, cell phone usage, etc. and at the conclusion you are given a score which tells you how many slaves are working for you. I’m ashamed to say that it said I have 35 slaves working for me. So taking sex trafficking out of the equation now and looking deeper into the way we live and shop, I now see where this is possible. I love my coffee and must have at least one to two per day. Well if I am not drinking “Fair Trade” coffee, I am likely drinking coffee that came from labor trafficking. I can push this further with my smart phone, laptop, and eReaders which many are made by those exploited or labor trafficked. The nail salons and African braiding salons I patronize which are also notorious for labor trafficking as well. Several discount stores we all shop also are able to keep the prices low by using child and/or slave labor as well.

Are you depressed yet? I know I am. So I asked myself, what can be done when the problem is so HUGE and I’m only a small fish in the pond. Like most things in this world, supply and demand are the drivers of this industry. If we decrease the demand by changing some of our shopping habits, the need to supply these industries would decrease and ultimately go away.

I know you are all saying “this will never change because quite frankly if we look at history, slavery is what helped build this country today.”

I challenge myself and all of you to make one small change for the greater good and help decrease the demand for human trafficking.

Peace and blessings to you all.

About Rochelle

Rochelle Redding, M.S. is a wife, mother of four, and the owner and operator of Rochelle Redding Coaching and Consulting Services (RRCCS). RRCCS is a spiritually-based coaching service dedicated to helping women be their best selves and achieve wellness in all aspects of their life. Learn about life coaching services with Rochelle by clicking here.

Read My Book

Finding Power and Purpose takes the reader on a dynamic journey from darkness, depression, and life-threatening health, to one of healing, self-love and alignment with God’s will.

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Don’t Stress! I’ve Got You Covered!

Don’t Stress! I’ve Got You Covered!

The holiday season can be a stressful time for folks. I personally have suffered the loss of four significant people in my life. It has been a challenge to balance work and family life while finding time and space to mourn the loss of my loved ones. If you too are going through the same thing, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Be gladdened by the fact that this too shall pass and the Lord will keep us comforted through the storm.

As my holiday gift to you, I compiled all 6 weeks of my stress management series into a PDF for you to peruse during the holiday break. I encourage you to take some time for yourself and learn a few techniques to keep stress at bay. Click here to download the PDF

Happy Holidays!

About Rochelle

Rochelle Redding, M.S. is a wife, mother of four, and the owner and operator of Rochelle Redding Coaching and Consulting Services (RRCCS). RRCCS is a spiritually-based coaching service dedicated to helping women be their best selves and achieve wellness in all aspects of their life. Learn about life coaching services with Rochelle by clicking here.

Read My Book

Finding Power and Purpose takes the reader on a dynamic journey from darkness, depression, and life-threatening health, to one of healing, self-love and alignment with God’s will.

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Managing Stress: Week 6

Managing Stress: Week 6

Putting it all together!

Over the last month and a half, we have been discussing a plethora of ways you can be proactive about combatting stress. I hope that you found a few things that resonated with you and that you can implement into you’re your life. That’s the key really…finding something that works for YOU! How do you know what works for you? Below I have some quizzes available from the American Institute of Stress. They may help you figure out which areas are unbalanced and causing the most stress in your life.


After taking the quizzes, go back over the week’s lessons and assignments and see which activity works best for managing stress in your life.

Until Next Time, Be Well!

Please note that the information in this blog is not intended to replace medical treatment or advice. Consult your physician before you make any major dietary changes.

About Rochelle

Rochelle Redding, M.S. is a wife, mother of four, and the owner and operator of Rochelle Redding Coaching and Consulting Services (RRCCS). RRCCS is a spiritually-based coaching service dedicated to helping women be their best selves and achieve wellness in all aspects of their life. Learn about life coaching services with Rochelle by clicking here.

Read My Book

Finding Power and Purpose takes the reader on a dynamic journey from darkness, depression, and life-threatening health, to one of healing, self-love and alignment with God’s will.

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